True Story
Womanhood to Motherhood
and all the sh** no one tells you
Hey girl, welcome to "A True Story". The blog where you can find comfort, advice, hope and a little humor through this journey we call womanhood. Trying to start a family, navigating the dating world, struggling to get pregnant, or figuring out the intricacies of a blended family? I've been there, done that and have some stories to share. Whether you're looking for advice, or just need a good laugh, I hope that you find it here, and know that you are not alone. These are my true stories, candid, awkward, and with a few cuss words for color! Infertility, IVF, Adoption, Dating after Divorce, Blended Families, Step Parenting, or Female Empowerment, whatever you're struggling through, we've got you covered!! Hell, maybe it ain't even that deep and you're just searching for a quick dinner recipe everyone will love, the perfect margarita, or inspiration for your home or garden? We've got you covered, shallow pool to deep end of the ocean! Should I give myself highlights, to, am I ready to be a mom?? ALL THE TEA, right here!
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Thanks for reading!
-Beth xo